Tara Walter understands what it means to work for what you have. Tara’s mother was often absent from her life, leaving Tara for days on end and sleeping when she actually was at home. Many days, Tara would not even talk to her mother. Because there were hardly any groceries in the house, Tara got a job to help pay for food. Her father worked out of town to support the family, and he only came home on weekends. When Tara’s father lost his job, her parents began fighting and Tara’s mother eventually moved out, leaving Tara and her dad on their own.
Tara began working 25 to 30 hours a week to pay the bills and avoid foreclosure on her house. In addition to working hard at her job, Tara worked hard in the classroom.
She was valedictorian of her senior class at Donelson Christian Academy, graduating with a 4.3 PGA. Tara also was a member of the softball team, National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta and Bi-Sci Club. She also participated in Donelson-Hermitage Youth Leadership and National Junior Classical League. Tara currently attends Belmont University.