Patrick McPhail is a student-athlete from Overton High School whose life tragedies and the support he has received following them have made him want the best future possible for him, and with that, to set a good example for his younger brother.
At the age of four, the McPhail family suffered a hardship after Mrs. McPhail was killed in a car accident. Patrick was only four. Just a year and a half later, at age 6, Patrick’s father and youngest brother died the same way. Patrick and his younger brother were sent to live with their grandmother. She managed to raise them, but worried about the boys’ future as she knew she would be unable to pay for them to go to college.
Being a varsity basketball player and team captain, Patrick loves the game and even referees in a youth league to make some many. Not only does he take basketball seriously though, he works extremely hard in the classroom. He blames his competitive drive for his success in school, saying that he wants to be the best at everything, including school. With that being said, he graduated with an almost perfect 3.9 GPA. He aspires to earn not only a bachelor’s, but also a master’s degree in a business field of study