The word “failure” is not a part of David Potter’s vocabulary. Even though he’s not sure how he’ll make it through some days, he always knows he will.
He focuses on the fact that God will get him through his problems instead of wasting time worrying about problems and the things he cannot control. He focuses on the bright spots in life even though they have been few and far between.
David lives with his maternal grandfather in a poverty-stricken area of East Nashville, a home he has known for 18 years. His father has never been an active part of his life as he’s in prison serving numerous life sentences. David’s mother died when he was 12 years old after battling drugs and psychological disorder throughout her entire life.
His grandfather has several health issues that have made him restricted to a wheelchair. David has become his caretaker and the head of the household doing the grocery shopping, cleaning, cooking and paying the bills as his grandfather has become too senile to keep track of the checkbook. David has learned more about social security, health insurance, prescriptions and more than most young people his age cannot begin to understand.
He has witnessed negative influences his entire life, but has always yearned for a better life and a positive learning environment. It was David who saw a commercial for Brentwood Academy’s Admission Days and made it his goal to attend the school. Even without the initial support of his grandfather, he was welcomed into Brentwood Academy.
That was just the beginning. David got up early each morning, catching two different Metro buses and then a ride, to get to school every day. He missed many days of school his sophomore year to take care of his grandfather. His commute, home responsibilities have kept him from a deep involvement in extracurricular activities at school yet he is still highly regarded among his peers. David has picked up a great love of music and has dreams of a career in the music industry.
In spite of his troubled past, David has proven he’ll make the most of any opportunity that comes his way.