David Atmajaya

DavidAtmajayaAccording to David Atmajaya, “the key to my success has been the support of my family and the high value we place on education.” This, along with dedication and perseverance through tough times, has prepared David for the bright future he holds.

Born in Indonesia, David arrived in the United States with his family during his freshman year of high school, looking for a better life but speaking little English. David’s family spent a year in Kentucky, then relocated to Franklin where he was enrolled in Centennial High School. He immediately impressed his teachers, excelling in classes that native English speakers struggled with. Little did they know that he was also handicapped.

Years ago, David was diagnosed with glaucoma, which eliminates his peripheral vision, only allowing him to see what is in front of his eyes. His doctor told him he would need surgery on both of his eyes, but his parents were hesitant because of their lack of medical insurance and the high price they were already paying for his medication. Just when the Atamajayas thought their medical bills could not get any worse, David’s father died of a stroke in late 2008.

Working 25-30 hour weeks at Kroger, along with his mother’s two jobs and the help of the Williamson County Social Services and Centennial’s economics program, David was able to have his surgeries in 2006 on his right eye, and in 2008 on his left eye. The strength he has demonstrated as well as his success in the classroom and on standardized testing makes it evident that David’s aspirations of becoming an architect are within reach. He has faced many obstacles, but remained focused and positive throughout.